America's Cup






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BAR FANTASPORTAL [stai nascondendo il titolo] Ultimo messaggio ullrich 01/09 11:07 Bollettini: 0
Archivio Calcio - Classifica Finale

Serie A Campionato Serie A

Anno Fantasquadra Pos. P.ti G V N P GF GS SN
2010/2011 The Champions
130° 62 38 19 5 6 49 29 8
2011/2012 The Champions
157° 48 38 11 15 10 43 38 2
2012/2013 The Champions
63° 76 38 23 7 8 63 37 0
2013/2014 The Champions
102° 69 38 20 9 6 60 31 3
2014/2015 The Champions
21° 75 38 21 12 5 70 38 0
2015/2016 The Champions
123° 54 38 16 6 13 51 38 3
2017/2018 The Champions
114° 70 38 19 13 6 71 36 0
2018/2019 The Champions
32° 77 38 23 8 7 69 31 0
2019/2020 The Champions
37° 77 38 24 5 7 69 34 2
2020/2021 The Champions
76° 74 38 22 8 7 72 35 1
2021/2022 The Champions
23° 81 38 24 9 5 80 31 0
2022/2023 The Champions
52° 73 38 21 10 7 65 28 0
2023/2024 The Champions
40° 79 38 23 10 5 71 30 0

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