Paris 2024 Fantamedagliere






Sab 27 Lug

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Dom 28 Lug

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Lun 29 Lug

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Mar 30 Lug

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Mer 31 Lug

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Gio 1 Ago

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BAR FANTASPORTAL [stai nascondendo il titolo] Ultimo messaggio VILOR 27/07 18:14 Bollettini: 0
Sport Americani - Baseball MLB: le news



capelca - 17/06/09, 08:54

I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate
And do they know
The places where we go
When we're grey and old
'cos' I have been told
That salvation lets their wings unfold
So when I'm lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel the love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

Robbie Williams

Vincera' ANA gia' sul 2-0.
A chicago rinvio per la prima gara della serie (vogliamo chiamarlo derby ?!?)
Per il resto nulla di interessante da dire.
Dura la vita del commentatore in questi casi.
Ma anche no...


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