The man in the moon
capelca - 21/05/09, 08:58
So they say he's there with the stars with his eyes in the dark
there's a man in the moon in the sky...
when it shines and you can see his face in the light he's the man
and he's there with the stars see, his eyes he's the man in the moon
Gabry Ponte
Solo una serie chiusa ed aggiornata: vittoria per i LAD 3-0 sui NYM.
Sicuri a questo punto di vincere NYY, BOS, STL, SD, DET e CWS gia' sul 2-0 e PIT sul 3-0 contro WAS.
Non perderanno ANA, OAK, ATL e ARI avanti 2-1 in serie da quattro.
Qualche commento anche sulle posizioni in MLB:
Miglior squadra ad oggi LAD (29-13) che presenta anche il miglior record in casa (17-3). In trasferta brilla, invece il 13-5 di PHI.
Tra i peggiori: WAS ha il peggior record assoluto (11-28) e quello in casa (5-14) mentre peggio in trasferta riesce a fare MIN (4-14).
Nelle ultime 10 partite miglior squadra NYY (9-1 di cui le ultime 8 di fila), peggiore sempre WAS (1-9 di cui le ultime 7 di fila).
Stasera chiusura della quattordicesima e domani mattina aggiornamento delle classifiche.
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- 26/09/07 - Summer Day
- 25/09/07 - Ahmid-6
- 24/09/07 - Unrequited
- 21/09/07 - The Way Up
- 20/09/07 - Don't Know Why
- 19/09/07 - Song For The Boys
- 18/09/07 - One Quiet Night
- 17/09/07 - North To South East ...
- 14/09/07 - And Time Goes On
- 13/09/07 - Wherever You Go
- 12/09/07 - A Place In The World
- 11/09/07 - You
- 10/09/07 - Afternoon
- 07/09/07 - The Gathering Sky
- 06/09/07 - Another Life
- 05/09/07 - Proof
- 04/09/07 - As It Is
- 03/09/07 - Faith Healer
- 31/08/07 - Night Turns Into Day
- 30/08/07 - Counting Texas
- 29/08/07 - The Sun In Montreal
- 28/08/07 - A Lot Of Livin' To D...
- 27/08/07 - What Do You Want?
- 17/08/07 - Vola the Eagle
- 10/08/07 - Diegobea
- 08/08/07 - 00756 Bonds. Barry B...
- 06/08/07 - Doing nothing
- 03/08/07 - Don't Forget
- 02/08/07 - Lookin' Up
- 01/08/07 - The Birds And The Be...
- 31/07/07 - For A Thousand Years
- 30/07/07 - Soon
- 27/07/07 - Like Minds
- 26/07/07 - Futures
- 25/07/07 - Cinema Paradiso (Mai...
- 24/07/07 - Message To A Friend
- 23/07/07 - Tears Of Rain
- 20/07/07 - He's Gone Away
- 19/07/07 - The Moon Is A Harsh ...
- 18/07/07 - Follow Me
- 17/07/07 - The Heat Of The Day
- 16/07/07 - Imaginary Day
- 09/07/07 - Too Soon Tomorrow
- 06/07/07 - Double Blind
- 05/07/07 - Sometimes I See
- 04/07/07 - As I Am
- 03/07/07 - When We Were Free
- 02/07/07 - Badland
- 29/06/07 - To The End Of The Wo...
- 28/06/07 - And Then I Knew
- 27/06/07 - Here To Stay
- 26/06/07 - Episode D'Azur
- 25/06/07 - Zero Tolerance For S...
- 22/06/07 - Zero Tolerance For S...
- 21/06/07 - Solo From "More Trav...
- 20/06/07 - Half Life Of Absolut...
- 19/06/07 - Beat 70
- 18/06/07 - The Road To You
- 15/06/07 - Not To Be Forgotten ...
- 14/06/07 - Facing West
- 13/06/07 - Above The Treetops
- 12/06/07 - Tell Her You Saw Me
- 11/06/07 - Always And Forever
- 08/06/07 - The Truth Will Alway...
- 07/06/07 - Question And Answer
- 06/06/07 - Three Flights Up
- 05/06/07 - All The Things You A...
- 04/06/07 - Letter From Home
- 01/06/07 - Better Days Ahead
- 31/05/07 - Slip Away
- 30/05/07 - Are We There Yet
- 29/05/07 - (It's Just) Talk
- 28/05/07 - In Her Family
- 25/05/07 - Minuano (Six Eight)
- 24/05/07 - Song X
- 23/05/07 - Long Time No See
- 22/05/07 - Endangered Species
- 21/05/07 - Mas Alla
- 18/05/07 - The First Circle
- 17/05/07 - The Fields, The Sky
- 16/05/07 - Farmer's Trust
- 15/05/07 - Travels
- 14/05/07 - Blues For Pat
- 11/05/07 - Rejoicing
- 10/05/07 - 80/81
- 09/05/07 - The Bat
- 08/05/07 - Goin' Ahead
- 07/05/07 - Every Day (I Thank Y...
- 04/05/07 - James
- 03/05/07 - Au Lait
- 02/05/07 - Are You Going With M...
- 27/04/07 - "It's For You"
- 26/04/07 - As Falls Wichita, So...
- 24/04/07 - Airstream
- 23/04/07 - (Cross The) Heartlan...
- 20/04/07 - American Garage
- 19/04/07 - Phase Dance
- 18/04/07 - Aprilwind
- 17/04/07 - Sueno Con Mexico
- 16/04/07 - New Chautauqua
- 06/04/07 - Watercolors
- 05/04/07 - Unquity Road
- 04/04/07 - Unity Village
- 03/04/07 - Midwestern Nights Dr...
- 02/04/07 - Bright Size Life
- 30/03/07 - MLB