Paris 2024 Fantamedagliere






Sab 27 Lug

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Dom 28 Lug

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Lun 29 Lug

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Mar 30 Lug

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Mer 31 Lug

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Gio 1 Ago

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BAR FANTASPORTAL [stai nascondendo il titolo] Ultimo messaggio VILOR 27/07 18:14 Bollettini: 0
Sport Americani - Baseball MLB: le news

The first day


capelca - 20/05/09, 11:36

Remember the first day when I saw your face
remember the first day you smiled at me
you stepped to me and then you said to me
I was the women you dreamed about

Beyonce Knowles

Unici vincitori certi per ora i LAD.
Non possono perdere ANA e PIT. Non riusciranno a vincere SEA e WAS.
Entrambe le piu' scelte partono con una vittoria (NYY e KC).
La cajenna impera e mi fermo qui.
Abbiate pieta'.


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