Paris 2024 Fantamedagliere






Sab 27 Lug

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Dom 28 Lug

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Lun 29 Lug

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Mar 30 Lug

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Mer 31 Lug

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Gio 1 Ago

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BAR FANTASPORTAL [stai nascondendo il titolo] Ultimo messaggio VILOR 27/07 18:14 Bollettini: 0

Archivio Risultati Personali - Major League Baseball
Risultati di kobefree
Stagione Fantateam Gruppo Pos V N P Diff Playoff
2004 the black hole National 320 18 +86Elim. World Series
2005 the black hole National 304 18 +24
2006 the black hole National 371 14 +49Elim. League Champ Series
2007 the black hole National 322 18 +26
2008 the black hole National 21° 292 21 +16
2009 the black hole National 324 16 +30
2010 the black hole National 353 14 +52
2011 the black hole National 21° 253 24 +16
2012 The King of Kings American 333 16 +32
2013 The King of Kings National 331 18 +27
2014 The King of Kings National 321 19 +29Elim. Divisional Series
2015 The King of Kings National 332 17 +31Vincente World Series
2016 The King of Kings National 332 17 +36Vincente World Series
2017 The King of Kings National 311 19 +29
2018 The King of Kings National 401 9 +58Elim. League Champ Series
2019 The King of Kings National 371 14 +53Elim. League Champ Series
2020 The King of Kings National 121 7 +11Elim. League Champ Series
2021 The King of Kings National 14° 283 21 +28
2022 The King of Kings National 332 16 +32Elim. Wild Card Series
2023 The King of Kings National 360 15 +49Elim. Wild Card Series

Albo d'oro Major League Baseball
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Major League Baseball
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