Paris 2024 Fantamedagliere






Sab 27 Lug

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Dom 28 Lug

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Lun 29 Lug

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Mar 30 Lug

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Mer 31 Lug

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Gio 1 Ago

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BAR FANTASPORTAL [stai nascondendo il titolo] Ultimo messaggio VILOR 27/07 18:14 Bollettini: 0

Archivio Risultati Personali - National Hockey League
Risultati di corry
Stagione Fantateam Gruppo Pos Pti V N P Diff Playoff
2005/2006 Mad Mad Hoers Western 38°26 122 13 -7
2006/2007 CoYoTe UgLy GiRls Western 48°20 92 16 -16
2007/2008 OK Corry Heat Western 48°19 83 8 -5
2008/2009 Al Passatore numb 58 Eastern 44°13 61 4 +4
2009/2010 From disco to disco Eastern 39°20 92 4 +3
2010/2011 Dead Men Icing Western 47°4 20 2 -1
2011/2012 Penguins on ice Eastern 42 202 6 +37Elim. Round Two
2012/2013 13MON1CA2013 Eastern 38 174 6 +19
2013/2014 13MON1CA2013 Eastern 42°4 20 2 -2
2014/2015 Drops in The Air 14 Eastern 45°3 11 2 -3
2015/2016 Drops in The Air 14 Eastern 30°29 133 10 0
2016/2017 Drops in The Air 14 Eastern 42°2 10 1 -1
2017/2018 Vegas Golden Knights Eastern 83 395 8 +65Elim. Round Two
2018/2019 Vegas Golden Knights Eastern 26°44 188 22 -19
2019/2020 Penguins Brothers Western 76 348 12 +59Elim. Stanley Cup
2020/2021 Penguins Brothers Eastern 22°55 263 25 -16
2021/2022 Penguins Brothers Eastern 27°52 236 23 +2
2022/2023 Penguins Brothers Eastern 12°68 324 16 +41

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National Hockey League
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