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BAR FANTASPORTAL [stai nascondendo il titolo] Ultimo messaggio fabio 31/08 21:38 Bollettini: 0

Archivio Risultati - Volley Femminile - Nations League (2022)
Pos. Nome Pti V P F S Diff Utente
1 Italvolley51 17 1 53 9 +44 Warkhaven >>
2 maremmamaiala50 16 2 52 13 +39 dany76 >>
3 Haze7649 16 2 52 11 +41 fosco >>
4 Norlandia49 16 2 52 12 +40 Notredame >>
5 controvoglia49 16 2 52 13 +39 garkal >>
6 Hope49 16 2 52 14 +38 Lalla87 >>
7 COJS48 15 3 51 13 +38 hotspurs >>
8 Capo Verde48 16 2 52 16 +36 luigitony >>
9 milaeshiroilritorno48 15 3 51 16 +35 lison >>
10 fantafighette47 15 3 49 13 +36 achix >>
11 Highlanders Team47 15 3 51 19 +32 prech >>
12 volleypatata46 15 2 49 14 +35 alemav67 >>
13 unoduetrealza46 15 3 49 17 +32 Zanetti4 >>
14 AAFc Real Mandas 9345 15 2 49 14 +35 srabadori >>
15 VALKYRIE45 14 3 48 18 +30 SIGFRID >>
16 palmi volley45 16 2 48 18 +30 cirello >>
17 la zarina di ciny44 14 4 48 16 +32 diavolo >>
18 giorgio44 14 4 48 17 +31 delbos >>
19 Patata volley44 14 4 49 19 +30 gollum66 >>
20 Il lato B del volley44 14 4 48 18 +30 rave >>
21 WEEKEND REVOLUTION44 14 4 49 20 +29 estiqaadzi >>
22 Burkina Faso44 14 4 49 20 +29 aceleghin1 >>
23 Valivolo43 14 4 45 13 +32 wizard >>
24 Alzami La Gonna43 15 3 47 18 +29 lokomotiv >>
25 IREATT43 13 5 47 20 +27 ireatt >>
26 ATOMIK BLAZE43 13 5 47 22 +25 aToBLa >>
27 ARMENIA42 13 5 45 18 +27 bagonghi >>
28 Ari Team42 14 4 47 21 +26 kalen >>
29 Winchester Volley42 14 4 46 23 +23 McBragadin >>
30 LMV41 13 3 43 16 +27 LMV >>
31 atletico rotorua41 13 5 48 22 +26 nelspruit >>
32 Mosca dove sei41 14 4 47 22 +25 taus >>
33 NumeroZero41 13 5 45 20 +25 rsuprani >>
34 €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€41 13 5 45 22 +23 fabio >>
35 Foppa41 13 5 45 24 +21 dome27 >>
36 ASM La Bernarda40 13 4 46 20 +26 marcof2004 >>
37 PIOBESIFEMMINILE40 13 4 44 21 +23 aleguidi81 >>
38 The King of Kings40 13 5 44 24 +20 kobefree >>
39 Muschio Volley39 12 4 43 15 +28 muschio74 >>
40 Eda Erdem Team39 13 5 44 20 +24 bs31 >>
41 Picci Bard Team39 12 6 45 23 +22 chrissnow >>
42 VELOX39 12 6 45 23 +22 NickViola >>
43 Type 139 14 4 44 23 +21 rafoman4 >>
44 Ange 86 NL Team39 13 4 45 24 +21 ange86 >>
45 Wanderers39 12 6 46 27 +19 capelca >>
46 ANTONIANA PESCARA39 13 5 40 22 +18 gale1 >>
47 Siberia39 13 5 44 26 +18 sprugola >>
48 bora bora38 12 5 42 23 +19 cernix >>
49 alby team38 13 5 42 23 +19 patalby >>
50 DANYFRANCY38 12 6 44 28 +16 zindaken >>
51 Maira 0937 12 4 42 18 +24 ACHEROPITA >>
52 Robbo e la sua pipe37 12 4 43 19 +24 Robbo >>
53 into the storm37 12 4 40 21 +19 porfanta >>
54 brixia36 12 5 40 20 +20 bedu >>
55 Warrior team36 11 7 41 24 +17 Warrior >>
56 Palombellarosa36 11 7 42 28 +14 Sciupà >>
57 SchiacciasassiF35 12 6 42 27 +15 Aquarius2 >>
58 Artemis32 11 0 33 7 +26 Artemis >>
59 SputniKorea30 10 2 32 13 +19 ivanmask >>
60 Diretta Granata29 9 2 31 8 +23 OrgoglioGr >>
61 Zoccole e zuccolon29 10 1 32 12 +20 BECCIA >>
62 Italy27 9 4 32 19 +13 pedro83 >>
63 WILD PANTHERS25 8 3 30 14 +16 ILGUERZO >>
64 Tutte Da Schiacciare24 8 1 24 4 +20 TheOne >>
65 Parmense24 8 4 28 17 +11 Fontabici >>
66 Ci nu zumpA22 7 2 25 9 +16 reggae >>
67 gruppo comodo21 7 3 21 10 +11 papi >>
68 TERRAROSSADISERABTSS17 6 3 18 12 +6 corry >>
69 I57th pink team16 5 1 17 5 +12 incident57 >>
70 Fc Contesse14 5 0 15 3 +12 MrArgento >>
71 Brebbia Volley Club13 4 3 14 11 +3 griso80 >>
72 Raghnar 202112 4 1 12 5 +7 Raghnar21 >>
73 alzala12 4 2 14 9 +5 pietro77 >>
74 Deportivo vergugna6 1 3 9 10 -1 Ciaparat >>
75 IL MAGO3 1 1 3 4 -1 tiziana967 >>
76 Polonia3 1 1 3 4 -1 Royvanov >>
77 AnninaDanesi1 0 1 2 3 -1 pelatuccio >>

Fase ad Eliminazione Diretta

Albo d'oro Volley Femminile - Nations League
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Volley Femminile - Nations League
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