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BAR FANTASPORTAL [stai nascondendo il titolo] Ultimo messaggio garkal 27/07 16:48 Bollettini: 0
Calendario e risultati - Pallacanestro - EuroCup

L'orario della scadenza è relativo alla prima partita in programma. Fra parentesi il numero di utenti che hanno scelto la squadra.

Week 1 - Scadenza: 3/10, h.19
Hapoel Tel-Aviv (15)Cedevita Olimpija 100-73
Ulm (3)Trento 80-70
Paris (30)BC Wolves 105-78
Prometey (12)Hamburg (2)97-77
Cluj-Napoca Turk Telekom (6)80-71
Aris Gran Canaria (3)66-82
Buducnost (4)Lietkabelis 76-65
Joventut (2)Besiktas 62-63
London Lions Venezia (1)76-69
JL Bourg (18)Slask Wroclaw 90-74
Week 2 - Scadenza: 10/10, h.18
Lietkabelis (3)Aris (3)84-74
Besiktas Prometey 92-70
Hamburg London Lions (7)94-100
Trento JL Bourg (12)72-79
Cedevita Olimpija Joventut (39)87-88 ot
Hapoel Tel-Aviv (9)BC Wolves 89-80
Turk Telekom Buducnost (1)79-77
Venezia Paris (2)75-81
Slask Wroclaw Cluj-Napoca (16)67-70
Gran Canaria (1)Ulm 111-82
Week 3 - Scadenza: 17/10, h.18
Hapoel Tel-Aviv (3)Venezia (1)97-81
Buducnost (36)Slask Wroclaw 103-89
Ulm (1)Lietkabelis 99-74
JL Bourg (1)Cluj-Napoca 92-88
Prometey London Lions (1)87-99
Besiktas (23)Cedevita Olimpija 73-66
Aris Turk Telekom (5)68-66
Trento Gran Canaria (7)73-87
Joventut (8)BC Wolves 107-98 ot
Paris (7)Hamburg 105-69
Week 4 - Scadenza: 24/10, h.18
BC Wolves Besiktas (16)90-88
Hamburg Hapoel Tel-Aviv (52)72-111
Venezia (1)Joventut (2)79-64
London Lions Paris 102-106 ot
Cluj-Napoca (2)Buducnost (2)89-74
Lietkabelis (4)Trento 92-93
Cedevita Olimpija Prometey (1)83-90
Turk Telekom (2)Ulm 78-91
Slask Wroclaw Aris (6)63-80
Gran Canaria (4)JL Bourg 84-76
Week 5 - Scadenza: 31/10, h.18
Cedevita Olimpija (1)BC Wolves (6)78-86
Trento (1)Turk Telekom 101-96 ot
Joventut (24)Hamburg 108-76
Besiktas (1)Venezia 74-68
Prometey Paris (7)79-96
Hapoel Tel-Aviv (1)London Lions (1)98-90
Aris (1)Cluj-Napoca (1)59-61
Ulm (41)Slask Wroclaw 108-103 ot
JL Bourg Buducnost 78-73
Gran Canaria (8)Lietkabelis 88-77
Week 6 - Scadenza: 7/11, h.18
Lietkabelis (1)JL Bourg (14)100-96
Venezia (1)Cedevita Olimpija (1)95-87
Besiktas (11)Hamburg 90-78
BC Wolves Prometey (2)85-71
Cluj-Napoca Ulm (1)86-75
Turk Telekom Gran Canaria (30)69-82
Buducnost (1)Aris 63-65
Joventut London Lions 76-87
Slask Wroclaw Trento (28)75-84
Paris (1)Hapoel Tel-Aviv (1)114-87
Week 7 - Scadenza: 14/11, h.18
Prometey Hapoel Tel-Aviv (8)98-89
Lietkabelis (1)Turk Telekom 93-86 ot
Ulm (4)Buducnost 84-67
JL Bourg (6)Aris 72-65
BC Wolves (1)Venezia (1)77-93
Besiktas (3)London Lions 80-83
Cedevita Olimpija (5)Hamburg (2)83-86
Trento Cluj-Napoca 60-98
Joventut Paris (4)94-101 ot
Gran Canaria (59)Slask Wroclaw 81-77
Week 8 - Scadenza: 21/11, h.18
Cluj-Napoca Gran Canaria (3)70-92
Buducnost Trento 98-96 ot
JL Bourg (2)Turk Telekom 86-67
Hamburg BC Wolves (19)71-84
Paris Besiktas 63-68
Prometey Venezia 89-82
Hapoel Tel-Aviv Joventut 103-99
Aris Ulm 88-99 ot
Slask Wroclaw Lietkabelis (57)71-75
London Lions (12)Cedevita Olimpija 101-95
Week 9 - Scadenza: 28/11, h.18
BC Wolves London Lions (4)87-101
Turk Telekom (30)Slask Wroclaw 71-80
Venezia (45)Hamburg 94-77
Besiktas (2)Hapoel Tel-Aviv 75-81
Lietkabelis Cluj-Napoca (6)111-120 ot
Cedevita Olimpija Paris (2)77-93
Ulm JL Bourg 84-89
Joventut Prometey 79-76
Trento (2)Aris (1)69-67
Gran Canaria Buducnost 97-70
Week 10 - Scadenza: 5/12, h.18
Turk Telekom Cluj-Napoca (26)95-84
Hamburg Prometey (4)83-97
Venezia (1)London Lions (2)91-95
Slask Wroclaw JL Bourg (31)63-72
Besiktas Joventut 81-85
BC Wolves Paris (6)79-110
Lietkabelis (1)Buducnost 81-83
Cedevita Olimpija Hapoel Tel-Aviv (9)80-95
Trento (2)Ulm (1)83-85
Gran Canaria (7)Aris 93-65
Week 11 - Scadenza: 12/12, h.18
BC Wolves Hapoel Tel-Aviv (4)81-89
Aris Lietkabelis (4)69-60
Ulm Gran Canaria (2)103-99 ot
Paris (9)Venezia (1)100-70
Prometey Besiktas (3)89-70
Cluj-Napoca (37)Slask Wroclaw 80-76
JL Bourg (2)Trento 79-67
Buducnost Turk Telekom 73-96
Joventut (7)Cedevita Olimpija 83-81
London Lions (22)Hamburg 81-83
Week 12 - Scadenza: 19/12, h.18
Lietkabelis (1)Ulm (1)94-90
Turk Telekom (4)Aris 85-95
Cluj-Napoca (4)JL Bourg 89-98
Cedevita Olimpija Besiktas (26)83-88
Gran Canaria Trento 76-98
BC Wolves Joventut 79-94
Hamburg Paris (39)91-120
Venezia Hapoel Tel-Aviv (3)81-100
Slask Wroclaw Buducnost (7)79-80
London Lions (3)Prometey 89-88
Week 13 - Scadenza: 26/12, h.19
JL Bourg Gran Canaria 92-84 ot
Ulm (3)Turk Telekom (1)79-85
Joventut (1)Venezia (3)89-81
Paris (6)London Lions 94-77
Besiktas BC Wolves (1)72-59
Prometey (25)Cedevita Olimpija 105-100
Hapoel Tel-Aviv (32)Hamburg 118-101
Buducnost (1)Cluj-Napoca (5)77-79
Aris (10)Slask Wroclaw (1)93-71
Trento Lietkabelis (2)76-70
Week 14 - Scadenza: 9/1, h.18
BC Wolves (7)Cedevita Olimpija 91-89
Lietkabelis Gran Canaria (8)84-92
Turk Telekom Trento (1)78-70
Cluj-Napoca Aris 90-74
Buducnost JL Bourg (4)78-74
Hamburg Joventut (9)90-96
Venezia (1)Besiktas 106-96 ot
Slask Wroclaw Ulm (54)100-88
London Lions Hapoel Tel-Aviv 100-96
Paris (5)Prometey 93-72
Week 15 - Scadenza: 16/1, h.20
Trento (53)Slask Wroclaw 85-79
Prometey BC Wolves 91-64
Cedevita Olimpija Venezia (6)93-104
Hapoel Tel-Aviv Paris 86-104
Aris (1)Buducnost (1)76-75
Hamburg Besiktas (2)83-94 ot
Ulm Cluj-Napoca 81-85
JL Bourg (15)Lietkabelis (1)104-71
London Lions (2)Joventut (1)80-82
Gran Canaria (3)Turk Telekom 73-83
Week 16 - Scadenza: 23/1, h.18
Cluj-Napoca Trento 88-83
Buducnost Ulm (8)80-84 ot
Paris (1)Joventut 89-82
Turk Telekom (3)Lietkabelis (4)88-73
Hapoel Tel-Aviv (1)Prometey (1)105-113
Aris JL Bourg (7)68-76
Hamburg (3)Cedevita Olimpija (8)83-114
Venezia (1)BC Wolves (4)57-75
Slask Wroclaw Gran Canaria (36)68-92
London Lions Besiktas (4)93-72
Week 17 - Scadenza: 30/1, h.18
Besiktas (1)Paris 72-95
BC Wolves (56)Hamburg 94-84
Lietkabelis (12)Slask Wroclaw 91-75
Venezia (1)Prometey 108-92
Joventut (2)Hapoel Tel-Aviv (1)85-91
Turk Telekom JL Bourg (4)64-68
Cedevita Olimpija London Lions (6)85-92
Ulm (1)Aris 66-86
Trento (2)Buducnost 78-97
Gran Canaria Cluj-Napoca 111-113 ot
Week 18 - Scadenza: 6/2, h.19
Aris (1)Trento (1)84-77
JL Bourg (3)Ulm (1)81-85
Slask Wroclaw Turk Telekom (47)70-86
Prometey Joventut (3)94-80
Cluj-Napoca (2)Lietkabelis 87-92
Hapoel Tel-Aviv (1)Besiktas (1)94-73
Buducnost Gran Canaria 90-77
Hamburg Venezia (18)83-90
London Lions BC Wolves 80-85
Paris (3)Cedevita Olimpija (1)119-66
Ottavi - Scadenza: 5/3, h.19
Gran Canaria (16)Besiktas 78-80
London Lions (12)Turk Telekom 100-77
Prometey (3)Aris 95-67
Ulm Joventut (1)79-88
Quarti - Scadenza: 12/3, h.19
Paris Joventut (1)86-70
Hapoel Tel-Aviv (11)Besiktas 89-94
JL Bourg (2)Prometey 95-82
Cluj-Napoca (2)London Lions 79-91
Semifinale And - Scadenza: 26/3, h.19
JL Bourg (3)Besiktas (1)86-74
Paris (4)London Lions 99-86
Semifinale Rit - Scadenza: 29/3, h.18
Besiktas JL Bourg (2)82-71
London Lions (1)Paris (5)85-93
Finale And - Scadenza: 9/4, h.20
Paris (2)JL Bourg (2)77-64
Finale Rit - Scadenza: 12/4, h.19
JL Bourg (3)Paris (1)81-89
Torna alla pagina principale - Pallacanestro