Paris 2024 Fantamedagliere






Sab 27 Lug

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Dom 28 Lug

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Lun 29 Lug

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Mar 30 Lug

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Mer 31 Lug

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Gio 1 Ago

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BAR FANTASPORTAL [stai nascondendo il titolo] Ultimo messaggio VILOR 27/07 18:14 Bollettini: 0
Archivio Calcio - Classifica Finale

Serie A Campionato Serie A

Anno Fantasquadra Pos. P.ti G V N P GF GS SN
2011 the black mamba
74 38 22 8 8 67 41 0
2012 the black mamba
19° 72 38 20 12 6 57 31 0
2013 the black mamba
81 38 25 6 7 75 41 0
2014 the black mamba
51° 58 38 16 10 12 43 38 0
2015 the black mamba
15° 70 38 20 10 8 59 33 0
2016 the black mamba
72° 49 38 13 10 15 46 45 0
2017 the black mamba
15° 62 38 18 8 12 56 39 0
2018 the black mamba
30° 67 38 18 13 7 46 22 0
2019 the black mamba
11° 77 38 23 8 7 69 29 0
2020 the black mamba
27° 63 34 17 12 5 50 27 0
2021 the black mamba
16° 65 38 17 14 6 47 26 1
2022 the black mamba
31° 63 38 18 9 11 55 28 0
2023 the black mamba
76 38 23 7 8 62 36 0

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