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BAR FANTASPORTAL [stai nascondendo il titolo] Ultimo messaggio fabio 26/09 18:48 Notices: 0
Rugby World Cup - Info about ITALIA GO
World Cup
Generic information
User boezio  (info)
Fantateam's info
Name ITALIA GO  (info)
Current state In the game
Group Poule D
Points 54
Total Wins 11
Total Draws 0
Total Losts 1
Total Point Difference +551

Summary of your entries for World Cup - Modifiable entries in black
Round Deadline Choice Submitted on
Day 1 - A 08/09/23 h.21  Ireland 82-8 04/09 h.09:41
Day 1 - B 08/09/23 h.21  Australia 35-15 04/09 h.09:42
Day 1 - C 08/09/23 h.21  Japan 42-12 04/09 h.09:42
Day 2 - A 14/09/23 h.21  France 27-12 04/09 h.09:43
Day 2 - B 14/09/23 h.21  South Africa 76-0 04/09 h.09:43
Day 3 - A 20/09/23 h.17  Wales 40-6 04/09 h.09:43
Day 3 - B 20/09/23 h.17  England 71-0 04/09 h.09:44
Day 4 - A 27/09/23 h.17  Scotland 84-0 04/09 h.09:44
Day 4 - B 27/09/23 h.17  Argentina 59-5 04/09 h.09:44
Day 5 - A 05/10/23 h.21  New Zealand 73-0 04/09 h.09:45
Day 5 - B 05/10/23 h.21  Fiji 23-24 04/09 h.09:45
Day 5 - C 05/10/23 h.21  Tonga 45-24 04/09 h.09:46
Quarti 14/10/23 h.17 None (B)
None (X)
--- ---
Semifinali 20/10/23 h.21 None (B)
None (X)
--- ---
Finale 27/10/23 h.21 None (B)
None (X)
--- ---